Glitter and Storm


Water, sunlight, breathing and skin – this is a submersion into the joy of sea swimming by night and by day. Portraits of swimmers are filmed exclusively in the sea off the coast of Hastings in the South East of the UK.

“With what magic of witness Rebecca E Marshall has captured the marine process of reverse evolution: how citizens of Hastings long to become one with their neighbour ocean; how they twirl and twist in eroticised tumbles, feeling for gills, stroking salt-smoothed dolphin skins. Conversation is redundant, but they willingly squawk and squeal, attempting to articulate what they have already proved, so effortlessly, as their somersault, strip, micturate and moonworship. Artists and humans are made joyful in this banded horizontal world, where the camera, democratically, plunges beneath the rippling petroleum-jelly surface. Delightfully complemented with sounds alchemised by Susan Stenger, the fortunate amphibians crawl and cramp between transcendent glitter and the wild energies of advancing storm systems. This film is a delight, a drench, a dream: as reviving as the thing it depicts, the elective rinse in the English Channel.”
Iain Sinclair, British writer and filmmaker

Christopher Chasey
Sarah Evans
Savannah Karr
Andrew Kötting
Nick Snelling
Hilary Spencer
Ivor Thomas
Berry White
Laetitia Yhap

Editor: Daniel Passes
Cinematography: Alasdair Beckett-King
Sound: Aristotelis Maragkos
Music: Susan Stenger
Sound Mixing:Mauricio D’Orey
Producer: Rebecca E Marshall
Executive Producer: Polly Stokes


Film festival Áčko, Bratislava 2013
Les Enfants Terribles! European First Film Festival, Belgium 2013
ICA for London Short Film Festival 2013
Hackney Film festival 2012
The Chelsea Arts Club 2012
Whirly Gig Cinema 2012
Kasseler Dok Fest 2012
Underwire Festival 2012 – winner for best composer

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